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HV Saltaire Susie is the Brood Cow we based our herd off of....
March1999 - 2019
Carries Dun and Red 
Tested Chondrodysplasia Free
Tested PHA Free
Tested Homozygous A1 (A1/A1)
ADCA #9962    PDCA #200474

Click here to learn more about Susie
October 2014
Chondrodysplasia Free
PHA Free
​Homozygous A2/A2
ADCA #035859

How sweet it is!  
A daughter of Saltaire Platinum out of our Electra!
Echo is such a great example of what Platinum can do......not that Electra was shabby!
Echo has the sweetest personality.  She is long and has tremendous depth and rib spring (a bit stretched in this photo). 
She took Champion more than once on our 2016 show string and was Champion Female in our last show of the season.  We're not alone when we say she's a very nice girl.
We can't wait to see what she produces for us.  Our other Platinum daughter was our most prized possession.
                                                Westfield Merlin  
                             Migh Poldark
                                                       Godstone Esmeralda         
                Saltaire Platinum
                                                  St Arvans Gypsy Pedro
                             Saltaire Pedrilla
                                                         Saltaire Princess Diana
                                               Circle H's Philbert      
                           Circle H's Frederick    
                                              Circle H's June   
               Mrald Electra 
                                                 Riverhill Saturn's Galaxy 
                             Hillview Daren Jane
                                                 Hillview Daisy May Lucifer 
Iodine is bred to Frederick for a Fall 2015 calf
Susie is bred to our up and coming herd bull Mrald Absolutely Perfect for a Winter 2015 calf
Mrald Platinum Echo PT78
Mrald Sparklett
December 2015
Polled (homozygous)
Carries Red and Dun
Chondrodysplasia Free
PHA Free
ADCA #039758

                                         Circle H's Philbert
                              Circle H's Frederick    
                                         Circle H's June  
                 Mrald Absolutely Perfect  
                                            Serenity Oak Farm Taco
                                    Mrald Dun to Perfection
                                        Hillview Sally 
                                           Migh Poldark
                                Saltaire Platinum
                                                   Saltaire Pedrilla
                 HV Saltaire Susie
                                           Belle Fourche William
                                      Belle Fourche Sparklett     
                                       Sooner P Bar Sparkle    
Susie just keeps us in heifers.
So a little bit of a twist on this heifer.  A touch of her half sister Sally out of the wonderful 
Belle Fourche Sparklett.
One of Absolutely Perfect's first and we are very pleased.
Click here to learn more about Echo
Click here to learn more about Sparklett
Sparklett's Bio is under construction
Mrald Finale, Susie's last calf
                                         Hillview Red Wing
                              Belle Fourche Mr Right    
                                         Hillview Frida  
                 Belle Fourche Braeburn  
                                            Circle H's Frederick
                                    Belle Fourche Apple
                                        Circle H's Liberty 
                                           Migh Poldark
                                Saltaire Platinum
                                                   Saltaire Pedrilla
                 HV Saltaire Susie
                                           Belle Fourche William
                                      Belle Fourche Sparklett     
                                       Sooner P Bar Sparkle    
February 2019
Carries Red
Chondrodysplasia Free
PHA Free
Heterozygous A1/A2
ADCA #047204
Finale's Bio is under construction
Click here to learn more about Finale
Mrald Madam Right
Mrald LizzyT
Rusty's Hot Cider
BW Ice Crystal
March 2018
Homozygous Polled
Chondrodysplasia Free
PHA Free
​Homozygous A2/A2
ADCA #045814

Madam Right, a half sister to the vey well known Belle Fourche Mr. Right, out of the same dam, Hillview Frida.  Her sire is our own Absolutely Perfect.  
Madam Right is a beautiful cow capturing hearts with her darling disposition.  Our only daughter out of Frida.
                                         Circle H's Philbert
                              Circle H's Frederick    
                                         Circle H's June  
                 Mrald Absolutely Perfect  
                                            Serenity Oak Farm Taco
                                    Mrald Dun to Perfection
                                        Hillview Sally 
 Madam Right 
                                           Circle H's Philbert
                                Circle H's Frederick
                                                   Circle H's June
                 Hillview Frida
                                           Hillview Cedric SS15
                                      Hillview Vanessa P    
                                       Belle Fourche Sparklett    
January 2022
Chondrodysplasia Free
PHA Free
​Homozygous A2/A2
ADCA #053696

The last heifer we retained out of the fabulous Mrald Cinnabon.  LizzyT is by Absolutely Perfect and this cow certainly lives up to her sires name!  LizzyT had her first calf in 2024 and in addition to her ideal size, conformation and disposition LizzyT has a tremendous udder.  Wow, is all we can say.
                                         Circle H's Philbert
                              Circle H's Frederick    
                                         Circle H's June  
                 Mrald Absolutely Perfect  
                                            Serenity Oak Farm Taco
                                    Mrald Dun to Perfection
                                        Hillview Sally 
 Mrald LizzyT 
                                           Saltaire Platinum
                                Llanfair's Cinnabar
                                                   Llanfair's Rosalee
                 Mrald Cinnabon
                                           Circle H's Frederck
                                      Hillview Pandora
                                       HV Saltaire Susie   
February 2022
Chondrodysplasia Free
PHA Free
​Homozygous A2/A2
ADCA #052896
Oh man!  She is SO fun for us.  We brought her dam's sire, Belle Fourche Austin, home from California as a baby in 2007.  Her dam's maternal grandsire, Belle Fourche Leo, was our first herd bull who was super champ and nearly undefeated for several years.  Her top side is the super milky Belle Fourche Carmen and the wonderful Mr. Right.  Cider has her first calf on the ground and we are thrilled with it.  We look forward to many years with this fine Dexter.
                                         Belle Fourche Mr. Right
                              Belle Fourche Braeburn   
                                         Belle Fourche Apple  
                 Mrald Prosper 
                                            Belle Fourche Rousseau
                                    Belle Fourche Carmen
                                        Belle Fourche Helen 
 Hot Cider  
                                           Circle H's Frederick
                                Belle Fourche Austin
                                                   Hillview Jan
                 Hyatt's Mis Autumn
                                           Belle Fourche Leo
                                      Hyatt's Mis Pepper    
                                       Belle Fourche Mabelle
February 2021
Chondrodysplasia Free
PHA Free
​Homozygous A2/A2
ADCA #051039
                                         Circle H's Frederick
                              Mrald Bugsy Malone   
                                         Rafter CSJ Irish Princess 
                 BW Mailman
                                            4S Idaway
                                    4S Amber
                                        4S Carrisa 
                                           Circle H's Philbert
                                Circle H's Frederick
                                                   Circle H's June
                 BW Black Ice
                                           Mrald Ringo Fire
                                      Mrald Milk Made    
                                       RDoubleD Rambler's Grace
So if you take a look at Crystal's pedigree you'll see that she is a combination of our breeding program with a mix of the beautiful 4S herd of the Stimpson's in Utah.  BW Farm was smart for combing these two herds and creating their own look.  Crystal never lost in the show ring and her first calf, a bull calf, was an instant champion in more than one ring in 2024.  Such a pretty girl.
March 2017
1/2 Pinzgauer  1/2 Dexter
Chondrodysplasia Free
PHA Free
​Milk not tested

                                         Saturn of Knotting
                              Hiyu Saturn's Warlord   
                                         Hiyu Madrigal II 
                 Dexter Downs Hurucan                                                                Circle H's Frederick
                                    Hillview Jemma
                                        Hillview Jan 
                 Crowned in Chrome
beautiful dam, 
Crowned in Chrome.  The Pinzgauer originated in Austria.  They were primarily a draft animal but were, of course, used for milk and also were housed under the human living quarters and used for home heating!  When the industrial revolution took over in the early 1800's the Pinzgauer was pushed aside, retiring from draft but still (to this day) used
for their milk, which is said to be rich, and meat which has tested more tender than Angus.  The top side of Mariah's pedigree is equally as impressive boasting Frederick and Saturn of Knotting!
Pictured here at 8 months
August 2020
1/2 Dexter  
1/4 Jersey  1/4 Wagyu
Chondrodysplasia Free
PHA Free
​Homozygous A2/A2

                                         Circle H's Philbert
                              Circle H's Frederick   
                                         Circle H's June 
                 Mrald Absolutely Perfect                                                              Serenity Oak Farm Taco
                                    Mrald Dun to Perfection
                                        Hillview Sally 
                                Wagyu (purebred)
                                      Jersey (purebred)    
                         That beautiful Jersey face.  SnickerDoodle is a twin.  
                         Her sister, Fortune, looked exactly like a Jersey.  Fortune  
                         is now a family milk cow and doing great!  Pictured below is SnickerDoodle's dam, Cookie, on her second lactation when she had the twins.  Obviously more milk than they could handle, we milked one gallon out of the three quarters the girls weren't getting to.  SnickerDoodle has given us two bull calves so far.  The first, someone wanted for their
                                                 small farm breeding program.  The second
                                                 we kept here as beef.  We are waiting to 
                                                 get that 3/4 Dexter heifer from her.......
Sparklett is due in June, bred to Blue
Finale is due in July, bred to Blue
Echo due in March, bred to Blue
Madam Right is due in May, bred to Blue
LizzyT had our first Blue calf, October 2024, a
 heifer.  This heifer is available for purchase and ready for her new home in February 2025.  
Cider is due in June, bred to Blue
Crystal had our second Blue calf, January 2025, 
a heifer calf.  We are NOT disappointed in these two
that he has given us.
SnickerDoodle is due in March, bred to Blue
Mariah is bred to Blue for a 2025 calf
A bull hole is always a good place to babysit.  Look at the second set of ears behind her.  The baby under her chin is not hers.
March 2022
7/8 Dexter  
1/8 Hereford (standard, not mini)
Chondrodysplasia Free
PHA Free

                                         Circle H's Frederick
                              Mrald Absolutely Perfect   
                                         Mrald Dun to Perfection 
                  Joker                                                                                               Circle H's Frederick
                                    Mrald Evelyn 102
                                        HV Saltaire Susie 
                                           Circle H's Frederick
                                 Mrald Absolutely Perfect   
                                                   Mrald Dun to Perfection
                                          Standard Hereford (purebred) 
                                      Half-Cast (Cassy)    
Bred for beef but who could eat that!  What a surprise this little girl is.  We've bred our Hereford cross line since 2004 in hopes to get a little baldy, and here she is.  Eighteen years it took to get this sweet face.  By unfortunate circumstances we got April (Moody's mom) back from long time Dexter breeders and our dear friends.  Affectionately named for Bob and Denise Moody.......
One of these things is not like the others....  Calf pile
Crystal as a baby at State Fair.  
Heifer is available for purchase
Pictured here at 3 weeks old
Pictured here at 24 hours old
Moody had our first cross-bred Blue calf, February 2025.  Our first bull calf by Blue.  Moody's first calf.  She popped him right out and is a fabulous mom.  Here he is 12 hours old.